Copyright Policy

All lyrics belong to their copyright holders.

Website strives for the fair use of all copyright objects. makes every effort to ensure that its existence does not negatively impact the potential market or value of the original musical work of copyright music.

All chords of the songs are published solely for learning to play musical instruments (guitar and ukulele), and in no way are they intended for the public performance of these works.

All lyrics were recorded independently by the authors of the selections, based on the original phonograms published in open sources, according to the principle «as I heard».

The selections of melodies and their adaptation for the corresponding musical instruments (acoustic guitar, soprano ukulele) are performed «by ear» by the authors of the selections themselves, and are their creative interpretation of musical works.

The name and surname of the author of the selection is indicated on each page with the song selected by him, contacts for communication with the authors of the selection can be found on the page «Authors».

If you are the copyright holder, found an inaccuracy in the text or chords of the published selection, and are against this work being presented on the site in this form, please write to the site administration, and we will definitely correct it.

If you are the copyright holder, and are opposed to the lyrics and chords of the song being presented on our site, because you plan to use materials in a similar format for commercial purposes (for example, publishing a collection of notes and / or chords for guitar / ukulele), write to the site administration, and we will remove these works from the site.

To process an application for the removal of material, please provide the following information to [email protected]:
- an electronically or physically signed document authorizing you to act on behalf of the copyright owner;
- a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property, the rights to which, in your opinion, have been infringed;
- a description of where the material that you believe infringes the copyright is on the Website, with sufficient detail so that we can find it and clearly identify it;
- your address, phone number and email address;