C Ainʼt it strange Am When everything you wanted Dm Was nothing that you wanted G In the end C Ainʼt it strange Am When everything you dreamt of Dm Was nothing that you dreamt of G In the end C Am Dm G C Am Dm Take my house, take the car, take the clothes G C Am But you canʼt take the spirit, take the spirit, Dm take the spirit G But you canʼt C Am Dm G C Ainʼt it strange Am When everything you wanted Dm Was nothing that you wanted G In the end C Ainʼt it strange Am When everything you dreamt of Dm Was nothing that you dreamt of G In the end C Am Dm Take my house, take the car, take the clothes G C Am But you canʼt take the spirit, take the spirit, Dm take the spirit G But you canʼt