C Am Ainʼt no headlights on the road tonight Dm Everybody here is sleeping tight F Ainʼt nobody gonna find us here Em C Weʼll disappear C Am Thereʼs a dancer in the arms of love Dm And heʼs dancing on the sky above F And the truth is that weʼll never know Em D Where love will flow F Aim high, shoot low G C We gotta aim high, shoot low baby C Am Ainʼt no headlights on the road tonight Dm Ainʼt nobody here to make it right F Cause we couldnʼt seem to find a way G C For love to stay C Am If you had another night to give Dm I would have another night to live F G C But youʼre never gonna see me cry the last goodbye (Last goodbye) Am Dm F C C Am Is it cloudy where you are tonight Dm All there neon lights shining bright F Are you looking for a place to stay Em C To get away (donʼt get away) C Am And the days are horses down the hill Dm Running fast with no time to kill F And the truth is that weʼll never know Em D Where love will flow F Aim high, shoot low G C We gotta aim high, shoot low baby C Am Ainʼt no headlights on the road tonight Dm Ainʼt nobody here to make it right F Cause we couldnʼt seem to find a way G C For love to stay C Am If you had another night to give Dm I would have another night to live F G C But youʼre never gonna see me cry the last goodbye Dm Am Em Em If I could do it over Am Em Iʼd do it all again (over again) Em And if I got one more chance Am Dm I wouldnʼt change a thing F Aim high, shoot low G D Aim high, shoot low... Bm Ainʼt no headlights on the road tonight Em Ainʼt nobody here to make it right G Cause we couldnʼt seem to find a way A D For love to stay D Bm If you had another night to give Em I would have another night to live G A D But youʼre never gonna see me cry the last goodbye Bm Ainʼt no headlights on the road tonight Em Ainʼt nobody here to make it right G Cause we couldnʼt seem to find a way A D For love to stay D Bm If you had another night to give Em I would have another night to live G A D But youʼre never gonna see me cry the last goodbye