Pidgin English - Costello Elvis, guitar chords

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Published: 2013-02-21 16:28
Selection chords: Tsumugi Nakata

D D7 G C A7 A Bm Em Em7

Intro: D D7 G D D7 G

D                             D7            G           D
Thereʼs a young girl with her old man whoʼs too sick to mention
          D                D7         G                 D
Sheʼll be turning twenty seven as she draws her widowʼs pension
       D                D7             G                 D
But he couldnʼt catch a common cold he couldnʼt get arrested
    D            D7
Too terrified to answer back
    G                D7
Too tired to have resisted
G               C
Many hands make light work
Shorthand makes life easy
When heʼs out on night work
Make sure no one sees me
It all ends up in a slanging match with body talk and bruises
A change is better than a rest

Silly beggars canʼt be choosers

G                                  D
One of a thousand pities you canʼt categorize
          G      A            Bm
There are ten commandments of love
G             D
When will you realise

There are ten commandments of love
A                                G                  Em        Em7
I believe, I trust, I promise, I wish loveʼs just a throwaway kiss
In this Pidgin English

If youʼre so wise use your lips and your eyes
Take it to the bridge she sighs

D                  D7                 G         D
You go cheep cheep cheep between bulls-eyes and bluster
D               D7
Stiff as your poker face
G              D
Keener than mustard
          D        D7          G         D
From your own back yard to the land of exotica
         D        D7          G       D7
From the truth society to neurotic erotica
G             C
Silence is golden
Money talks diamonds and ermine
          G       C
Thereʼs a word in Spanish
Italian and German
In sign language, morse code, semaphore and gibberish
Have you forgotten how to say it

In your Pidgin English?


PS I love you

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