Too Much Monkey Business - The Beatles, ukulele chords
(3) Votes: 5
Published: 2022-06-08 18:28 Selection chords: Ethan Cooper
Runninʼ to-and-fro, hard. Workinʼ at the mail.
Never fail. Get the mail. Yeah, some rotten deal, Ow!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to invite ʼem again.
Say me. Talkinʼ to me. Tryinʼ to run me up a creek.
She used to buy one. Try to pay me again next week, Ow!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to invite ʼem again.
Long-haired, good-lookinʼ. Tryinʼ to get me hooked.
Or me to marry. Settle down. Get the horn by the bull, Ow!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to invite ʼem again.
Mediocre money. Beinʼ fightinʼ in the hall.
Army bunk, Army go, Army chow, Army cook, Ow!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to invite ʼem again.
Same thing every day. Gettinʼ up, goinʼ to school.
No need to make complaininʼ. My objectionʼs overruled, Ow!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to invite ʼem again.
Workinʼ in the fillinʼ station. Too many tires.
Wipe the windows. Check the tire. Check the oil and all the gas,
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Donʼt want your moderation, get away, leave me.