Give My Love To Rose - Cash Johnny, acordes de ukelele

(3.67) Votos: 3

Publicado: 2016-10-10 15:24
Seleccion acordes: Ethan Cooper

A E7 D

      A     E7     A
I found him by the railroad track this morning
      A     E7     A
I could see that he was nearly dead
      D     A
I knelt down beside him and I listened
Just to hear the words the dying fellow said

      A     E7     A
He said they let me out of prison down in Frisco
      A     E7     A
For ten long years Iʼve paid for what Iʼve done
      D     A
I was trying to get back to Louisiana
      E7     A
To see my Rose and get to know my son

      D     A
Give my love to Rose please wonʼt you mister
      E7     A
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
      D     A
Tell my boy his daddyʼs so proud of him
      E7     A
And donʼt forget to give my love to Rose

      A     E7     A
Tell them I said thanks for waiting for me
      A     E7     A
Tell my boy to help his mom at home
      D     A
Tell my Rose to try to find another
For it ainʼt right that she should live alone

      A     E7     A
Mister hereʼs a bag with all my money
      A     E7     A
It wonʼt last them long the way it goes
      D     A
God bless you for finding me this morning
      E7     A
And donʼt forget to give my love to Rose

      D     A
Give my love to Rose please wonʼt you mister
      E7     A
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
      D     A
Tell my boy his daddyʼs so proud of him
      E7     A
And donʼt forget to give my love to Rose

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