Somebody Save Me - Eminem, acordes de ukelele

(4) Votos: 1

Publicado: 2024-07-17 15:07
Seleccion acordes: Sarah Harris

C Em Am F

C Em Am F
Foodsʼ here
Kept buyinʼ and see who gets it
Come eat
Alaina, Iʼm so tired
Just come eat
Alaina, Iʼll be there in a minute, I promise
But wake up
Shut the door

Somebody save me
Me from myself
                   Am               F
Iʼve spent so long livinʼ in hell

Another pill as I start to spiral
Message to my daughters
I donʼt even deserve the father title
Hailie, Iʼm so sorry
I know I wasnʼt there for your first guitar recital
Didnʼt walk you down the aisle
Missed the birth of your first child
Your first podcast, lookinʼ down, sweetie

Iʼm so proud of how you turned out
Sorry that I chose drugs and put ʼem above you
Sorry that I didnʼt love you enough to
Give ʼem up, how the fuck do
I not love you more than a pill?
Lookinʼ up to the ceilinʼ from this floor wonder will

Somebody save me
Me from myself
                   Am               F
Iʼve spent so long livinʼ in hell
                       C                         Em
They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
             Am                            F
Itʼs the only thing that seems to help

Alaina, sorry that you had to hear me fall in the bathroom
Sorry that I missed your gradu—, wait, Nate,
I should just congratulate you
On beinʼ a dad to Carter and Liam, look at you
Little bro, sorry I left you
Sorry that Iʼll never get to
Hold or hug my little nephews
Stevie, Iʼm sorry, I missed you
Grow up and I didnʼt get to
Be the dad I wanted to be to you
Things I wanted to see you do
This is my song from me to you
Sorry I gave up, but Iʼm just so defeated
God, what the fuck Do you want me to do?

Somebody save me
Me from myself
Iʼve spent so long livinʼ in hell
They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
Itʼs the only thing that seems to help

Iʼve been starinʼ at that video of Hailie
Almost daily of her playinʼ a guitar
In hopes maybe thatʼll give me the power to fight
But the addict in meʼs a coward, he told me that I canʼt Do it
Had a second chance, blew it
Itʼs like Iʼm stuck inside an alternate reality, but I know (What?)
Iʼll turn it around and be able to
Walk her and Lainie one day
To the altar as proud as can be
Right now, Iʼm just weak
As I fall further down in this deep hole
And farther in the ground that I sink
As they lower me in my coffin,
I feel the tears all fallinʼ down on my cheek

Iʼm a lost cause
Baby, donʼt waste your time on me
Iʼm so damaged beyond repair
Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
Iʼm a lost cause
Baby, donʼt waste your time on me
Iʼm so damaged beyond repair
Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams

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